
TDO visualized a prosperous, self-reliant, self-governed and just society that is free from all forms of discrimination and exploitation and where all peoples can live with peace and dignity.


  • Improve quality of life of the CHT people through enhancing their capacities in providing technical and economic support and effective use of the natural resources;
  • Promote gender and intersectionality to contribute to achieve gender equality within CHT society and support women, elders and youth to play an active role various decision making processes;
  • Support the development and implementation of inclusive policies and processes related to climate change and biodiversity ensuring full and effective participation of CHT grassroot peoples and conduct researches on traditional knowledge;


TDO aimed to take the following, but not limited to, objectives in order to achieve the above missions:

  • Organize meetings, seminars, workshops to raise awareness about conservation of environment and forest and participate related government and non-government activities;
  • Encourage for the effective use of land and forest resources for achieving self-sufficiency in food security and meeting the basic need of local disadvantaged people;
  • Support marketing of agricultural products of the farmers and encourage sustainable hill farming;
  • Support improvement of maternity health, child nutrition and child education;
  • Establish health centers, nursery and providing trainings for improving traditional agriculture and introducing scientific methods;
  • Provide support to women and youth for achieving self-sufficiency and provide technical trainings;

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