Implemented Prooject

Major Activities in past:

Since its establishment TDO has been implementing several activities with its own voluntary initiatives as well as with the support from some donor agencies. Some of the key initiatives of TDO are as follows:

Community Empowerment Project: TDO has implemented Community Empowerment project with the support from UNDP-CHTDF in Rangamati Sadar Upazilla of Rangamati hill district. The project was around 05 (five) years from 2005-2010. Under this project, TDO has supported around 550 Para Development Committees (PDCs) and conducted numbers of meetings and awareness raising activities on sanitation, health, environment, culture and education.

Income Generation Program through Agriculture Production project:The project was supported by the Human Rights and Good Governance Unit of RDE/Danida. The project was implemented during 2003-04. Under this project, TDO supported various farmers in providing vegetable gardening trainings, providing input support and distributing fruits plants etc.

Fishery development project: This is TDOs own income generation project implemented in Rangamati in 2004 with technical support from the district fishery department.

Awareness building program on hygiene sanitation and basic health care: TDO has always been active in raising awareness on hygiene sanitation and basic health care in the Rangamati sadar upazilla of Rangamati hill district. It was completely a voluntary initiatives of the TDO members since 2004.

Free mosquito net and plants distribution and awareness program: TDO has conducted awareness generation programme with the support from German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in 2000. Under this programme, TDO raise awareness about malaria and distributed mosquito nets to the people of Rangamati sadar upazilla to confront with Malaria in the region. TDO also distributed fruits and trees plants to the farmers for raising awareness about the environment protect in the region.

Emergency support for the protection of marginalized section in the corona crisis of Bangladesh

The objectives of the project was to provide emergency support to the marginalized in the vulnerable indigenous peoples areas for strengthening the advocacy initiatives toward
protection of their rights under the corona crisis. Specific objectives of the project were –

 The marginalized and most needy indigenous peoples’ families in CHT and plain
land of Bangladesh are supported to deal with the corona crisis.
 Indigenous peoples’ aware about the COVID-19 related information and able to
monitor its impacts to their communities particularly on indigenous women.

Promotion and revitalization of traditional knowledge related to climate
change adaptation of shifting cultivators in Chittagong Hill Tracts

Project Duration: January 2020 to December 2020

Action Research on Alternative Development and capacity enhancement for good governance in CHT (ARAD-CHT) project:

Project Duration: September 2020 to August 2023